Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dragon Age: Orgins - Draikus Day One

Character Name: Draikus Cousland
Origin: Human Noble
Location: Cousland Castle in Highever

-In the human noble origin story, the main decisions set up your personality for your family. This will not matter in the long run since your family dies, betrayed by Arl Howe, and you are saved by Duncan and taken to Ostagar to become a Grey Warden.

-With Draikus, I made him a "good son" in that he obeys his father and mother but I also went with playboy-like conversation choices. After he is forced to leave his parents to their fate, I have also decided to make him really want revenge. In this way, I can make his character darker as the game goes on.

-At Ostagar, Draikus fully explored the camp, was polite to the King but also made his intentions of revenge known. The one more "evil" choice I made was to kill the prisoner near the infirmary. Although action had a very cool and vicious cut scene, the only consequence to killing the man was to be chewed out by the guard.

-I have decided that I want Draikus and Alistair to get along and be good friends. Draikus respects him because Alistair is already a Grey Warden, but he is rude and a bit snobby to fellow possible Grey Wardens. Upon meeting Morrigan in the Wilds, I once again went with the flirty choices and was well mannered to Flemeth, Morrigan's mother and the "Witch of the Wilds."

-After retrieving the scrolls and three vials of Darkspawn blood, the Joining began. I chose to continue to be harsh to my peers. I am the only one who survives the joining, although this is not of my control - just part of the game. In Draikus's conversation with Duncan and Alistair, he is not afraid and feels no remorse for the two who have just fallen.

-Before the battle, I choose to voice my objections with Alistair about not being able to fight but only lighting beacon. These choices are more just for my own satisfaction with keeping my character's personality consistent but don't have any major consequences in the game.

-Alistair and I go through the tower to light the beacon. I am the one who slays the Ogre, with my family shield.

-So far I have chosen mostly to fight with two swords, switching to shield only when I run out of special attacks for two swords.

-Ended the first part of the game by choosing to have Morrigan join our party.

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